The first three years of a child’s life are crucial for language development. Your child is constantly absorbing and learning the language around them. One important aspect learned during this time is receptive language. This involves the ability to understand words, gestures, and sounds. Children need this communication skill to have successful interactions with others. It is important that every child develops skills at their own pace. These milestones are helpful to determine if your child is progressing typically based on their age. Listed below are the receptive language milestones from birth to 24 months.
Birth - 3 months
Turns toward you when speaking
Comforted by familiar voices
Attends or listens closely to unfamiliar voices and sounds
3 - 6 months
Responds to “no” about half of the time
Starts to recognize their own name.
Responds to pleasant speech by smiling
6 - 9 months
Responds to “no” most of the time
Searches for family members when named
Responds to the command “come here”
9- 12 months
Gives objects with a verbal request
Gestures in response to a verbal request
Comprehends a variety of gestures, such as shaking head yes or no
12 - 15 months
Follows one-step commands during play
Understands simple commands, such as “sit down”
Can point to major body parts when given a verbal prompt
15 - 18 months
Searches familiar items when not in sight
Knows simple action words like “go” and “put”
Comprehends 50 words
18-21 months
Selects pictures with a verbal prompt
Follows commands with gestural prompts
Displays knowledge of personal pronouns (Ex: “Bring it to me”)
21- 24 months
Follows two-step commands
Cleans up toys with verbal prompt
Starts to comprehend time phrases such as, “yesterday” or “today”
If you have concerns about your child’s speech and language development, please reach out for a speech and language evaluation. Seedlings Pediatric Therapy offers free consultations to discuss your concerns, and provides in-home speech and language evaluation and treatment sessions.
BabySparks. (2017, December 18). The Evolution of Receptive Language: Months 0-24.,%3A%20Understand%2020%2D100%20words
Receptive language development in children aged 0-5 years | Child Development Institute. (n.d.).
Speech & Language Developmental Milestones | Clarity. (2017, March 15). Clarity Upstate.
Swigert, N. B. (2004). Early Intervention Kit Therapy Guide.